Count me in!
Points: 500
Solves: 1
ファイルを解凍すると、Pythonのプログラムソースcount.pyと暗号化データoutput.txtができます。count.pyは次のようなプログラムになっています。固定の文章の後ろにフラグ文字列を付加したテキストデータを16文字ずつに区切って、worker_functionの中でcounter変数(0から1ずつインクリメントされる)をAES.MODE_ECBで暗号化した値key_streamとXORを取っています。multiprocessingで並列処理をしているので同じkey_streamで暗号化されるものがありそうです。また並列処理のタイミングによってはkey_streamが前後したり実行の都度暗号化された結果が変わります。I've been lately using this cool AES-CTR, but it was super slow, so I made a parallel version. Now it's blazing fast, but for some reason I have trouble decrypting the data...
import multiprocessingfrom Crypto.Cipher import AESfrom secret import key, flagcounter = 0aes =, AES.MODE_ECB)def chunk(input_data, size):return [input_data[i:i + size] for i in range(0, len(input_data), size)]def xor(*t):from functools import reducefrom operator import xorreturn [reduce(xor, x, 0) for x in zip(*t)]def xor_string(t1, t2):t1 = map(ord, t1)t2 = map(ord, t2)return "".join(map(chr, xor(t1, t2)))def pad(data):pad_byte = 16 - len(data) % 16return data + (chr(pad_byte) * pad_byte)def worker_function(block):global counterkey_stream = aes.encrypt(pad(str(counter)))result = xor_string(block, key_stream)counter += 1return resultdef distribute_work(worker, data_list, processes=8):pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes)result =, data_list)pool.close()return resultdef encrypt_parallel(plaintext, workers_number):chunks = chunk(pad(plaintext), 16)results = distribute_work(worker_function, chunks, workers_number)return "".join(results)def main():plaintext = """The Song of the CountYou know that I am called the CountBecause I really love to countI could sit and count all daySometimes I get carried awayI count slowly, slowly, slowly getting fasterOnce I've started counting it's really hard to stopFaster, faster. It is so exciting!I could count forever, count until I drop1! 2! 3! 4!1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4,1-2, i love couning whatever the ammount haha!1-2-3-4, heyyayayay heyayayay that's the sound of the countI count the spiders on the wall...I count the cobwebs in the hall...I count the candles on the shelf...When I'm alone, I count myself!I count slowly, slowly, slowly getting fasterOnce I've started counting it's really hard to stopFaster, faster. It is so exciting!I could count forever, count until I drop1! 2! 3! 4!1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4, 1,2 I love counting whatever theammount! 1-2-3-4 heyayayay heayayay 1-2-3-4That's the song of the Count!""" + flagencrypted = encrypt_parallel(plaintext, 32)print(encrypted.encode("hex"))if __name__ == '__main__':multiprocessing.freeze_support()main()
’The Song of the '
import binasciidef xor(*t):from functools import reducefrom operator import xorreturn [reduce(xor, x, 0) for x in zip(*t)]def xor_string(t1, t2):t1 = map(ord, t1)t2 = map(ord, t2)return "".join(map(chr, xor(t1, t2)))def decrypt(no):encry = s[no*32:no*32+32]plain = plaintext[no*16:no*16+16]key_stream = xor_string(binascii.unhexlify(encry), plain)for enc in l:plain = xor_string(binascii.unhexlify(enc), key_stream)print([plain])plaintext = """The Song of the CountYou know that I am called the CountBecause I really love to countI could sit and count all daySometimes I get carried awayI count slowly, slowly, slowly getting fasterOnce I've started counting it's really hard to stopFaster, faster. It is so exciting!I could count forever, count until I drop1! 2! 3! 4!1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4,1-2, i love couning whatever the ammount haha!1-2-3-4, heyyayayay heyayayay that's the sound of the countI count the spiders on the wall...I count the cobwebs in the hall...I count the candles on the shelf...When I'm alone, I count myself!I count slowly, slowly, slowly getting fasterOnce I've started counting it's really hard to stopFaster, faster. It is so exciting!I could count forever, count until I drop1! 2! 3! 4!1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4, 1,2 I love counting whatever theammount! 1-2-3-4 heyayayay heayayay 1-2-3-4That's the song of the Count!"""f = open('output.txt')s = = [s[i: i+32] for i in range(0, len(s), 32)]decrypt(0)decrypt(10)decrypt(20)decrypt(30)decrypt(39)decrypt(49)decrypt(54)decrypt(55)
$ python['The Song of the ']['Count\n\nYou know ']['that I am called'][' the Count\nBecau']['se I really love'][' to count\nI coul']['d sit and count ']['all day\nSometime']['s I get carried ']['away\nI count slo'](略)['wly, slowly, slo']['wly getting fast']["er\nOnce I've sta"]['rted counting it']["'s really hard t"]['o stop\nFaster, f']['aster. It is so ']['exciting!\nI coul']['d count forever,'][' count until I d'](略)['rop\n1! 2! 3! 4!\n']['1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4'][',\n1-2, i love co']['uning whatever t']['he ammount haha!']['\n1-2-3-4, heyyay']['ayay heyayayay t']["hat's the sound "]['of the count\nI c']['ount the spiders'](略)[' on the wall...\n']['I count the cobw']['ebs in the hall.']['..\nI count the c']['andles on the sh']["elf...\nWhen I'm "]['alone, I count m']['yself!\nI count s']['lowly, slowly, s']['\n\xa4\x17\x84\x1aDc\xd5\xbbN\x84\x05=q3_']["ster\nOnce I've s"](略)['lowly getting fa']['\x15\xbf\x05\x9ai+j\xd3\xaa\x1a\xa4L,4uM']['tarted counting ']["it's really hard"][' to stop\nFaster,'][' faster. It is s']['o exciting!\nI co']['uld count foreve']['r, count until I'][' drop\n1! 2! 3! 4']['\x7f\xc8\xf6\xda\xdb\x8c4\x9f\xed\xf5\x12\x07\xb1\xb9\xac\xf2']['-4, 1,\n2 I love '](略)['!\n1-2-3-4, 1-2-3']['s\xf6\xeb\xd7\xd8\x8d\r\x80\xf9\x90\x12Z\xf3\xfd\xe4\xe1']['counting whateve']['r the\nammount! 1']['-2-3-4 heyayayay']['^l\xebK\x13\x91\x97\xff\x94F\x80\xc0\xf7d\x16U']['\xb2\xecR\xf0\x05*\x8ez\xe0{,|.\xf5\xde\xf6']['g of the Count!\n'](略)
[' heayayay 1-2-3-']['\xcc\xe8\xdc\xdao\xda`\xe4\r\x1d\x9d\x91\xeb\xbc\xfb\x8e']['\x19$\xe1LJ\x84\x86\xfb\xcd%\xde\x98\xab=\x04r']['p4{at_the_end_of']['_the_day_you_can'](略)["4\nThat's the son"]['\xe1\xc6i\xfeD*\xc1l\xe0L+l`\xf2\x90\x92']['\x88\xd6\xf3\xd3z\xf13\xffH6\x90\x9a\xaf\x90\xfb\x86']['\xa7\x96\xe0\xd7Q\xca&\xeer\x10\x9a\x81\x94\xac\xf5\x8e']['_only_count_on_y']['ourself}\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08']